Sunday, October 24, 2010

If ever there was an excuse

If ever there was an excuse to be as miserable and absolutely broken in spirit as I have been over this weekend, I have it. Yes, the last 4 days have been spent moping in my room, wanting to do absolutely nothing, so that's what I've been doing. I wish I could say I've been so busy being a good student that I have simply not had the time to post, but really, I've just been puzzling over my existence and whether or not I should share too many feelings here. I get a minuscule number of reads, but a few of those are my family and friends. Now that shouldn't be too huge, to let my family or friends know how I'm feeling, but it is indescribably uncomfortable. I'd much rather be anonymous in many situations and especially situations where I need to show emotions.
So have I been in hiding? Yes. 
Do I not feel like showing my face to the world? Absolutely. 
Is it killing me that I have to go out in the world when my heart would rather just cease palpitating? You got it. 

So should I be hiding and letting the world turn around me while mourning my own loss instead of trying to re-enter it with a smile on my face? I don't know. I certainly feel selfish for holing myself up, but when I go out, the smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes occurs automatically. That's where they strain shows. My eyes is where I hold all of the stubborn determination to keep from tearing up. If I just keep my head down and eyes averted, no one will know the difference.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Are there any ladies left?

Now I'm not modern-bashing, but does anyone else just wish that once in a while women would wear dresses or skirts that are knee length? Or, I'll go one step further: How about calf-length? No, not many women I see in my day not wearing some version of pants has a hemline nearer their hips than knees. Today, shirts are actually being made long so they can perhaps be worn as dresses if one is daring enough.

If you feel the need to show something off, why not try a small waist, or delicate ankles? Not many people can go wrong with either of those. Or perhaps some should exercise the ever-lacking quality in our culture, modesty. Modesty is beautiful. Even if someone is going to wear jeans, a shirt, and shoes, there's a large difference between a tailored sweater, solid-wash jeans, and plain-colored shoes and a strapless top, 'fashion-shredded' jeans, and the slippers you put on when you rolled out of bed this morning. Besides, do you really want anyone in a professional setting seeing you the same way your roommates do? I should think not.

Why a sudden realization and need to state this? Its something that someone needs to point out. Not only do I feel like a lady, but when I wear a long skirt, I get comments about how put-together I look. Once an older gentleman said, "Excuse me Miss, but you look exquisite today." Yes, if you're wondering, that did make my day!

Also, long skirts are DIFFERENT, even for me! Most all of my skirts hover around knee-length, so wearing something to my calf feels like a treat. The whole point of having choices in fashion is to be free, be different, express yourself, and have fun. In this way, I can see one reason women are choosing overly short skirts today and that is fun. If your shirt-turned-dress excites you so much you can't even imagine your day without it, wear it! Having said that, how do you feel about leggings? Patterned tights? Knee-high socks? It's definitely cold in the mornings, and soon it will be well into the afternoon.

Oh well. The message nowadays is to each his own and I should be respecting that, but I do have opinions that my outspoken nature can't help but voice. But really, everything comes back around and as much as I hate "trends" can't there just be a sudden revival of the long, clean skirt?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Emma the Con Artiste?

The movie The Brothers Bloom is underrated by many, some find it a snooze-fest, others lack the mental patience to follow the characters without doubt. It is, however, my movie of the week. It's been playing in the background of my mind for a week now. 

Simply, it is the story of two brothers, Bloom (Adrian Brody) and Stephen (Mark Ruffalo), who have been con men ever since their broken childhood of dead-end towns and foster homes. Bloom decides he finally wants out of the life, but Stephen talks him into one last con. 

With their pyromaniac partner, Bang Bang (Rinko Kikuchi), Stephen introduces us to the Mark of their last con: Penelope. An eccentric heiress, Penelope (Rachel Weisz) is a shut-in, and has lived alone in her family's large New Jersey mansion her whole life. 

The con is simple, Bloom sweeps Penelope off her feet and convinces her to go to Prague with Stephen, Bang Bang, and himself. There, they hatch a scheme to trick Penelope into helping their 'activities', all whilst swindling her out of a tidy 2.5 million dollars.

Everything is real to Penelope for the first time, but what will Bloom do when he stops pretending?

There are so many things to look at in the movie, I don't see how anyone could get bored with it. Every time I watch I notice something new, or something that has always been there makes me have a new though. The roles are played impeccably. Its so easy to trust Stephen that you have not doubts as to why Bloom has gone along with him for so long. Penelope is awkwardly beautiful. You'll believe her in every misstep she takes. Bloom is all about internal struggle, by half way through the movie you'll be wondering if he really believes in the con anymore. Bang Bang is probably the hardest character to comprehend. She is chronically silent except for a karaoke interlude and a cryptic statement to Bloom when he needs it most. All in all, this movie is a must see, a full sensory experience that will have you sporting bowler hats and capes whilst doodling your name with "the con artiste" attached in various script.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

One of my favorite ladies.

Okay, it's time to jump back into something I'm comfortable with, and this video I found really sparked the idea for this post. Marge and Gower dancing in their first starring picture, Lovely to Look At:

Also, I somehow found time to watch a series of interviews with Marge Champion, and by herself, she's so much more amazing than I knew. Of course, when she was famous, she was famous with Gower, so you didn't get to see just her. It's very interesting. Just a couple of fun facts: Her father owned a dancing school in Hollywood, and he was famous in that right, her first job was as the motion model for Snow White at Disney, she was married to Artie Babbit before she married Gower, and her birthday is Sept 2. Yes, the woman is 91 and she still dances, she says, every single day. She's just so amazing!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Off the beaten path (for me)

Before I start yammering on about my fabulous corset that arrived in the mail yesterday, I feel like I should give credit where it's due:

Dita Von Tesse is a style icon in every sense of the word, and she's almost synonymous with corsetry. I've really learned so so so much about corsetry in the last few days, I wish I could take an actual class on this. Why? Because I wanted to feel educated when my own corset got here. 

Let's talk about Halloween! I'm just so excited about Halloween this year, my fiance and I are going to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time! This is where my first idea of corsets came up, and I've dreamed up a couple of pretty nice costumes for both RHPS and the Halloween festival in Ashland! 

The corset I fell for:
I found it on a site called OrchardCorset that has a youtube account and I quickly watched all 60-odd videos they provided. This is a discontinued style, so it's on sale, but I loved it at first sight! 

So this is what I'm going for:

First outfit for my fiance, second for me.

If you said my inspiration was the So You Think You Can Dance routine by Courtney and Mark to "The Garden" by Mirah, choreographed by Sonya Tahek, you're right!
So if those are all my thoughts, how does the corset look on me, you ask? Well, let's just say that this is definitely the beginning of a long and happy friendship.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Ever the college girl, and some inspirations

It has been such a "collegiate" week. I feel like it's kicked me pretty hard, but I have been accomplishing quite a lot. Today was especially wonderful. In the mail I received my corset, lots of vitamins and tea, my final paycheck, and a card from my mom with a gift card for shopping. These definitely made today the high point of the week.

A girl in my hall had her 19th birthday today, which reminded me I'll have my birthday in just a few short months. I'm determined to enjoy my remaining time as a teenager, as I will be turning 20 in January. I'm very excited. I'm having a great time being young, and I still believe you're young well into your 30's or beyond. Everything depends upon one's mindset. 
Below is the lovely Anne Francis, as the infamous cigarette-smoking, film noire-esque sweater girl. This is the look that I'll be trying to accomplish overall for the fall term. I have many sweaters, but I need so many more, and I have skirts just perfect for those. Now.. if only I had a bullet bra lying around somewhere. 
Finally, winter will be my Katharine stage of dress. But for now, the inspiration is her hair. It's so beautiful but still has a tomboyish quality, like she doesn't really care, it's just how she wakes up in the morning!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A very Marge and Gower Thursday!

Yesterday, my last image was of a book by Bob Thomas entitiled Let's Dance with Marge an Gower Champion. (Below) 

I have this book in my possession, and it's just as charming as it sounds. They teach the Foxtrot, Waltz, Samba, Rumba, Mambo, along with instruction on various swing steps, and their own "Champion Strut"! There is a history of dances in America (up to 1948), along with etiquette for the boys and girls, and their own story in the later sections. 

I won't lecture or give a history lesson on them, but I think they should be, if they are not, the most esteemed husband-and-wife dancing and choreographing team in America. 
 Though they divorced after 26 years of marriage, I believe they held a kind esteem towards each other in later life. 
 Gower died in 1977 from a rare type of blood disease but Marge is still alive and still dancing and teaching to this day. 
 September 2nd was her 91st birthday and she is still as lively and charming as ever. 
 I hope the legacy made by the Champions' is passed down to future generations and those who can appreciate all they did for dance in America.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Work hard? Play hard!

Theme for my vintage shots of today? I suppose since I've been working hard I feel the need to play hard! 

I love the idea of having a mirror wherever you need it, therefore the kitchen is a completely plausible place. Also, that stovetop percolator and gas range is my idea of luxury!
Next up is Rita Hayworth enjoying being poolside in her stylish swimsuit and gorgeous bicycle. 
I want to be able to dance like that with my fiance. I do modern dance, have taken ballet and jazz, and was the captain of my high school dance team, but I've never learned swing. 
I picked up the book below, "Let's Dance" With Marge and Gower Champion at an antique shop a month or so ago, but my finace thought it was cheesy. The Champions were not cheesy! They were the most wonderful couple and amazing choreography team the US will ever know. There's a certain charm they exude that Dancing with the Stars will never capture!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Getting my buttocks in gear!

This wonderful pinup from the 1950's is Betty Brosmer. She was one of the most sought after pinup models because she did pinup almost exclusively, never venturing into movie or other careers. She had the most insane measurements: 38-18-35! Yes, she had a natural 18-inch waist! And do top it off, she was only 5' 5", so I'm the same height as her. I wonder if there's any way I could get my figure somewhere near hers. I do have a corset on the way which I do need to tell about, but I will not too much until it gets here (in a week or so).

In the meantime, feast on the beauty!