Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A salute to girly underthings!

I can already see that this post is going to go from a little blurb to a full scale proclamation of love. I've been enthralled by lingerie since the tender age of 12 and my first viewing of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, a great movie that my mom still has on VHS. Anyhow, from the opening scene and "Twenty fans were Turning" to "Itty-Bitty Pissant Country Place" and finally "Hard Candy Christmas," all of the ladies are decked out in their best (80's) lingerie. Let's not discount the lovely Miss Mona (Dolly Parton) in all of her buxon blonde glory, too! Now, I'm not trying to scare anyone away by discussing bad lingerie, but giving a base to my thoughts. The 80's is a decade I try to pretend didn't happen, most of the time.
On to my actual topic: vintage lingerie! I started dabbling in underthings when I started seeking out slips and nightgowns last year. I have quite a little collection of those, now. Next came my corset. I wrote about my corset around Halloween, but not much after that. It's an authentic overbust, steel-boned corset (for tightlacing, not fashion) that resides in my room at home since I can't find a place for it here at school. Upon finding my peach pegnoir set in November, I was really ready to admit that I was loving the girly things and underthings of my favorite eras. In December, I bought a bunch of 50's stockings from a lovely woman on craigslist. I was super nervous that they would be in horrible condition, but they were beautiful! Since then, I've had them sitting in my drawer just waiting to be worn. What's a girl to do without a suspender belt? I'll tell you: She waits and thinks and waits and waits a little longer. Soon, she goes stir crazy and takes a leap of faith and orders a couple of little underthings to keep up her stockings!
Yes, I hate internet shopping, but I took the plunge and ordered two different styles from the same site I found my corset, Orchard Corset. I was so pleased with their prompt delivery and quality workmanship from my first experience, I was happy to go back. They arrived just 3 days after I ordered and I couldn't have been more pleased, although I'd really like to be able to get the clasps all done up more quickly! Once it gets just a little warmer here, be on the lookout for my legs to finally be ladylike and covered and all that jazz!
From this...
To this!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Get comfortable... it's going to be a long post.

I am such a bad mother to my little blog. After leaving it neglected for nearly a month, I'm wondering if I'll even be able to write a decent post. Well well, many things have happened in my life since that last entry, but I'm not sure where to start.
My birthday was right at the end of January and I went home to see my sweetheart and my family. We all went out to as delicious thai restaurant and had a great time! My favorite aunt (on my dad's side) got to come, which really made the night fun. The cupcakes were... well, you just had to be there. The cake I love more than any other is a version called "Grandma's Chocolate Cake" which is best with penuche frosting. For those who don't know what that is, it is a cooked brown sugar frosting that you must try immediately. I didn't get to blow out any candles due to restaurant policy, but I did get some thoughtful gifts from my family which really deserve to have the spotlight.

My Aunt got me a pretty Brighton necklace composed of a darling little heart on a sturdy chain. My favorite part is the saying on the back of the heart, "Love Always." It's really the perfect heart necklace that I've needed for awhile.
Next, my mother got me a few things, but I will only highlight the best. She found two books for me at Christmas, but decided to hold them over until my birthday. They were well worth they wait, so I'm not unhappy. The first, I've read through a couple of times already, but I haven't had time to curl up with the second yet. Charmed by Audrey is just that: charming. It is basically a photo montage of Audrey on the set of the movie Sabrina. Sabrina is definitely one of my favorite Audrey movies and I love looking at all the prints and quotes from or about Audrey. She really was a wonderful woman, inside and out.

The second book has yet to be delved in to, but it is called Very Vintage and it chronicles styles in the 20th century, I believe. There are some great pictures and lots of reading. I have a feeling that I won't be able to put this one down once I pick it up!
The last present that really needs some limelight is the most perfect collection of movies. My aunt (on mom's side) always finds the best movies for me. I don't know if I ever thanked her fully for finding the collector's edition of Meet me in St. Louis and she really outdid her herself with this one. She got me a collection of 4 major musicals with Howard Keel. This was especially welcome because I wanted to see the original movie version of Kiss Me, Kate (you'll find out why later in this post) and I've also been searching for Showboat since I found out Marge and Gower Champion danced in it.
Now, the next exciting thing I've been doing actually corresponds with my last post. For my Fashion Trend Analysis class, we were working in groups on trend boards. A trend board is part of a trend forecast and just gives a visual feeling of the season or style to come. A girl in my group and I completely connected and planned the entire thing. Our season? Summer 2012. Our trend? Pin Up!
I'm very happy with the board, we ended up with more modern images than I would have chosen, but it's still adorable! I know the picture is blurry, but all I had at that moment was my phone. Our colors were pastels with a strong red and dark denim base. Motifs included card suits (diamonds, hearts), polka dots, and horizontal stripes. We really had fun accenting with gold buttons, leaves, and rope, red ribbon, and little knit doilies one of the girls found at the fabric store.

All of this Pin Up energy has just renewed my love for the style in daily life and I've really been working on keeping with my vintage look more. I've not been focusing on it lately because it's been very cold here. Now that it's warming up a little, I'm at it full force again. In honor of this, and just to have fun, I took some current photos for my sweetheart with some of my new finds. Here's a little taste:

Yes, this is what I do when I'm procrastinating. I change clothes all the time when I'm trying to focus on homework. My sweetheart let me borrow his amazing camera, so I finally got to take quality pictures. This outfit is completely thrift-store stuff. Shirt: Arc Resale in Philomath (I found this the other day!), Skirt: Salvation Army in Grants Pass, Belt: St. Vincent De Paul in Grants Pass, Shoes: Arc Resale in Philomath, and Bag: Buckingham Palace in Corvallis (Also a recent find!). I finally got the buttons sewed on to a suede and shearling coat I rescued this summer and wore it to the first rehearsal for Kiss Me, Kate on Monday night.
There's another thing that needs to get some time in the limelight of this blog. I got involved with Corvallis Community Theater (CCT) last year when I got to assist the costume mistress for the musical, Guys and Dolls. It was a lot of fun, and I was actually asked to play a part since I had some stage and singing experience. The show went off wonderfully and the group of people I met really made my day (week, month, months, however long we worked on that show..). This year, I was e-mailed by the director to inform me that he would be directing another musical this spring, entitled Kiss Me, Kate. I asked him if I could do the same job that I was originally asked to do in the last show and he said he'd be happy to forward my request to the costume mistress. We talked, I researched, we met, picked fabrics, watched auditions, and finally got to measure our cast at the first rehearsal. I don't know all of the cast, but as far as I've seen they're all wonderful people.The second rehearsal, the director approached me and asked me to be in the play. I have dance experience and can pick up whatever I don't have experience in pretty quickly. I also sang throughout high school and don't have too bad of a voice, if I do say so myself. This is how I became a cast member in the show! I still hope to be able to spend some time around the costume department, but I know my replacement will serve the costume mistress well. Let's hope there's some intricate, interesting dancing I get to do for this show!
There's something I'm leaving out that also deserves a little bit of time in this post too. I will not delve into this subject, because it is more personal, but I've really been working to change my eating and exercising habits. I come from a very healthy family and college has kind of ruined my healthy eating, so it's about time for me to seriously get back on trace. This isn't about someone telling me I'm fat, but more about feeling comfortable in my own skin. I haven't felt truly comfortable for most of my life and I feel that it's about time. In short, I've begun to change my habits by getting more sleep, exercising 6 days a week, and eating more balanced meals. 

I know you'd like to read a couple more pages of me rambling on, but I do believe it's about time I start steaming the gorgeous red wool pencil skirt I got today! Cheerio!