Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Encounters of a stylish kind

Now, I did try to summarize my break in the last post, but I thought that this little experience deserved a post of its own. It's not very frequently that I see anyone dressed in a similar fashion, but this is exactly what happened on December 30th. Let's cut me just a teensy weensy bit of slack when I post the link to my picture and focus on the amazing experience.

I was in Fred Meyer's, back in my hometown. Why, you ask? Well, I obtained the most gorgeous cut glass punchbowl for Christmas and just had to make a punch for New Year's Eve. Since I was trying to waste some time after finding my ginger ale, I perused the after-Christmas CD sale (and scored some Perry Como I had been looking for) and meticulously picked out gum. While roaming through small appliances, I bumped into a woman who was dressed! No, my town does not have a large nudist society, I simply mean that in front of me was a woman who had taken the time to look clean, crisp, presentable, and ladylike.

After a quick "So sorry" we parted ways - until she flagged me down between furniture and area rugs. She introduced herself as Danielle and even gave me her card (ladylike and professional!) while explaining she was a clothing designer and blogger. After sharing our oddly similar childhoods, both of us having lived on South Pacific military bases when we were young, she asked to take my picture for her blog. I was flattered, but secretly wished I hadn't put myself together in 20 minutes before going to town. Anyhow, true to her word, Danielle posted my picture on her blog,, and you're all welcome to check it out. She also has a twitter and sells her designs on etsy, which I believe her blog can link you to.

Overall, this quick exchange really reinforced my belief that I'm not completely insane in hoping that the concept of dressing will see a recurrence in the near future!

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