Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring is in the air!

It may be a little bit premature to  proclaim my love of the start of spring weather (as Oregon has a nasty little habit of mid-spring hailstorms) but it's how I feel nonetheless. As most of my blogs seem to start, I must apologize for the absence. My life has been two things as of late: Busy and boring.
As soon as spring break ended for my university I found myself spending more time in the library than any first weeks prior to this term. In addition, after a weeklong break from Kiss Me, Kate the cast was lagging a little, especially in the dance sequences. Outside of the theater, my term is filled with accounting, macroeconomics, media writing, and retail buying classes. As a studious college girl, responsible cast member and choreographer's assistant, I threw myself into my real life, completely forgetting about my online life. Only after I caught up reading blogs that I had neglected to check for the past few weeks, did I feel like writing again.
I regret this, but I have not been wearing vintage all that frequently lately. I shall blame the weather and my constant running between my room, the library, and the theater. However I must confess, dear readers, that I've also been bit by the lazy bug. Having piles of washing, mending, homework, and books to sell can do that to a person. But fear no more, for I am back and as fresh faced and ready to return to the interwebs as ever!
After quite a drought of good shopping trips this past winter, I am glad to report that my last few shopping attempts have treated me well. I've added five dresses, a shorter length crinoline, navy pumps, a purple hat, and a babydoll nightgown to my clothing collection in the past few weeks! In non-vintage buying, my mom treated me to new black and white cardigans which I have been wearing all the time! And then, there are the things. I try to keep my collection of "things" to a minimum because my storage space in my world is minimal at the moment. Still, I could not pass up mini-muffin pans for $3 apiece. Likewise, a jewelry holder for traveling, a dress pattern, and a card of snap fasteners, the book The World with a Fence begged to be taken home as did a red-handled biscuit cutter (which I have needed for some time).
After all of my previous indecision, my hair is brown again. It really was a fluke, because the result was much darker than expected, but I've been told it suits me. Brown may suit me, but this monster that is residing atop my skull does not. Very high on my to-do list is to get my hair cut, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for a middy long cut, which is what I'd really like. Oh decisions, you must wait until another day.
In the meantime, I'll be dreaming of summer and relaxing in style like Ms. Charrise.

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