Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's a good day from morning til night

Really, its a good day for anything! I had such a wonderful weekend and early part of the week that I'm absolutely giddy! This might get annoying soon, but I can't help it.
Last weekend, Kiss Me, Kate opened and despite opening night being Friday the 13th, it was a wonderful show! Unfortunately, there was some sickness among the cast, some loss of voices, and one pulled hamstring the following nights. Our first official cast party was held after the Sunday matinĂ©e, a boy was it entertaining. Food, karaoke, friends, and one heavenly hot tub makes an ordinary night extraordinary!
Monday continued wonderfully, as a generous cast member expanded my a capella collection to four times its original size! Straight No Chaser and Rockapella has been joined by two albums of OSU's Outspoken, three albums of UO's On the Rocks, and another album of UO's Divisi. As can be imagined, Tuesday was filled with lots and lots of music. It really did wonders to keep me from dreading interviewing a woman for my Media Writing class.
As the second weekend of the show approaches, I have a feeling that I'll keep walking on air. My family (Mom, Aunt, Grandma, and Grandpa) will be here on Sunday and I'll get to see the gorgeous percolator my mother found for me a few weeks ago. Sadly, they'll be taking my iron, ironing board, and steamer away for the first step of the moving process, so I'm going to need to iron all of the things that need it before Sunday! Time to hand wash and iron my scarves, freshen up my pegnoir, and starch my skirt waistbands before it's too late!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fun, fun, fun to work, work, work.

Moms weekend was a complete success. We indulged in some Royal Wedding highlights on Friday night before going to bed. It was a sugar coated but still appropriate, and I loved the fly-over of Buckingham Palace. Did anyone else see "the cousins" as we've so lovingly dubbed them? I won't go into detail, but I swear that one was wearing antlers. Isabella Blow may have been able to pull it off, but this woman could not.
On Saturday and Sunday, between the sitzprobe, load-in, and first rehearsal on stage for Kiss Me, Kate, Mom and I perused antique malls and junk stores for buried treasure. She wound up with many things that she couldn't live without, while I only found a few little trinkets I've been looking for. Among her finds were an electric skillet with a heating element in the lid, a few vases, dresses and shirts, a platter, and a large cast-iron skillet. I ended up with some Lady Ellen Klippies for my pin curls, a new pair for wedges, a knitting book from the 40's, and a little neck adornment that matches some shoe clips that I found last summer. 
My Saturday outfit was very matchy and entertaining for all to see, I believe the faux bangs and matching polka-dots made it the funnest outfit I've ever worn. The real "want" for both Mom and I was found on Saturday in the form of a huge hotel mirror that could have been a wall of its own. I had to snap a couple of pictures, so in addition to the gorgeous mirror you get a sneak peek of little old me! 
On to this week, time is ticking away from me, it seems. I indulged in a homework-free weekend, but now the week is going to be very busy for me. I may not seem shy to people who know me, but around those I don't, I'd rather just be invisible. This makes it very hard for me to interview people for a news piece in my writing class. I need to drop my shyness for a bit so I can get these interviews for my story! Everyone wish me luck, and hopefully I'll still be alive and kicking by next week!