Monday, August 22, 2011

My Recent Purchases - The Yard Sale Edition!

I have so many new things in my life- and these are just a few that I've recently acquired. About two weeks ago, I started very early on Friday morning and went to about 10 sales before noon. I found myself in yards, garages, and even a barn, and a few things found their way home with me.

 This is a Lady Sunbeam bonnet dryer in a lovely carrying case. The man who sold this to me said his wife went to beauty school in San Francisco in the early 1940's and was very particular about her appearance. I have tried the dryer and it works wonderfully. Setting are Off, Cool, Warm, Medium, and Hot. The case is a teardrop-shaped, tapestry-printed vinyl case in my favorite aquamarine color.

 I picked up this GE Hairsetter months ago when I was still in Corvallis, but didn't use it until this summer. I have a lot of long hair, so it gives me beautiful waves, but not defined curls. The case is cream, tapestry-print vinyl case that zips up for easy travel. If you haven't noticed yet, I'm sort of falling in love with travel cases!

 I picked this up for the box, but found out that it was full of old aluminum perm rods. They are not however, the "Bell Professional Kurl Klasp Kit" but curlers stored in here after the fact.

 This First Aid Kit tin is very study and perfect to put in my purse, as I've broken two or three plastic kits in the past. It had the original bandages, gauze, burn ointment, and inhalant as it details on the lid of the kit, but I replaced them with my own bandages and a little tin of pain relievers.

 Speaking of my purse, I just got a new one. I admit, it's not actually a yard sale find, but I do believe it deserves a little time in the limelight. I found it at TJMaxx, and the friend I was with may have thought it was the most horrible thing I picked up, but I was in love. It's a light camel-colored canvas with a grey faux-leather bottom and shoulder strap, and light brown faux-leather handles and clasps.

These little darlings may not go perfectly with my decor, but I needed some tins to store knick-knacks in. My favorite is the Ocean Queen Coffee tin on the right, but the Shredded Wheat girl and Hershey's Cocoa baby are both pretty adorable.

Books books books! I picked both of these up at the same time and cannot find a date in either of them. On the left is Dream Life by Ik Marvel and on the right is Holmes Poems. Both are very fragile and look like they have been read many times.

This sewing machine and I were meant to be. Besides being in my favorite aquamarine color, it had the original instructions booklet, buttonholer, and blind stitch attachment. I had to scrub quite a bit on the faceplate to clean off some ancient dirt, and tried at least 10 times before I properly brought the bobbin thread up, but this beauty is worth it. Now I just need a carrying case for her!

Also salvaged from many years of had wear were two Ballerina Mist dishes in light blue with silver edging. All they need to do for me is hold my hair brushes and elastics. I'd call that a pretty cushy retirement, wouldn't you?

There will be more to come, including a couple of new dresses, some accessories, and an entire post of new/old kitchenwares I've been collecting for my eventual kitchen!

1 comment:

  1. what a stash!!! I have yet to visit any garage or yard sales since I've been in Perth... and that would be 6 years!! I really should soon!

    I love the tins and the the first aid kit so so much. Mum has a decent collection of vintage tins but I'm not allowed to touch them! And you know I have a sost spot for books :)

    xx Aliya
