Thursday, August 4, 2011

How long has it been?

Truthfully, I nearly forgot that I have this blog. A shameful and downright embarrassing confession to make, you can be sure. Since school is not in session presently, I should have been writing much more than normal, but my routine was thrown off at some point and I never quite recovered. In the meantime, I've started some new routines and quit reading blogs completely, which I regret. There are about two months of reading to do on the 30 plus blogs I used to read regularly.
But enough about me... I've surprisingly gained another follower in my absence, which means I must have done something right at some point on my little corner of the web. So what is it that I should write about? Obviously vintage, but what specifically? I do believe some brainstorming is in order. Tomorrow morning I will sit down with a strong cup of tea and a notepad and write until some plan of attack is arranged.

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